Web Design and Development
July 6, 2016

I discovered this video recently. I'm a long time fan of Tom Peters. I've even had the fortunate experience of seeing him speak in person. I love what Tom says in this video. Why place this in the web development section of my blog? In my experience this is where we have an exciting and rapid TEST, TRY, FAIL, REPEAT experience. The truth is, this approach applies to all this types of work done by Ridpath Creative parterns and myself. It's the way I live my life. I think I'm a better person because of my TEST, TRY, FAIL, REPEAT approach. I also think it's made my life richer. Please take a few minutes and enjoy.

If you have no idea who Tom Peters is and want a much more entertaining way to experience the TEST, TRY, FAIL, REPEAT approach consider the Tom Cruise 2014 movie Edge of Tomorrow. The tag line for this movies is LIVE. DIE. REPEAT.

If this blog post does not energize you then I'll just TEST, TRY, FAIL, REPEAT!

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