5 Ways Web Based Videos Can Expand Your Reach & Income

June 15, 2017

Is your business making the most of what video marketing has to offer? Research has shown that social media marketing posts with videos can be up to 135 percent more effective than posts with photographs.   With free web-based social media platforms like YouTube and Facebook Video as well as your own website, every business should be putting out active, engaging and fresh video content regularly.   I can assist you with video production, editing, graphic design, photography, and much more. Here are five ways that video can help to expand your company's marketing reach and income:   1. Personalize Your Business

Informal videos about the internal workings of your business can help to personalize it with current and potential customers. Include staff interviews, off-the-cuff moments, job profiles and an insider’s look into how your business operates.     2. Tease Upcoming Promotions, Product Releases and Events

Video is excellent for showcasing sales, promoting events and teasing new products and services.  3. Create Viral Buzz

Few media can generate a buzz on the Internet like a compelling video. Create some of your videos with this possibility in mind, but always keep it relevant to your business. Helpful tip videos, interviews with industry thought leaders, relevant news events and relating your business to current trends are all possible approaches.  4. Engage with Customers and Viewers

While social media in general allows for easy engagement with prospective clients, the medium of video takes this to the next level. Focus on making your videos truly engaging, and you’ll naturally and organically expand your marketing reach.  5. Forge Lucrative Co-Marketing Relationships

Video is extremely effective in connecting with customers, but it can also assist you in forging new co-branding opportunities. Brainstorm innovative ways to use video for cross-marketing campaigns with other businesses. These partner companies may be related, complementary, or from an entirely different sector. What’s most important is that you create content that’s compelling to both business’ audiences.   Few online mediums have the potential to educate, inspire and engage viewers quite like video. Let Ridpath Creative assist you in video production, creation and video editing solutions so that you can expand your marketing reach with this powerful medium.   Count on me to help you create active, engaging, fresh, professional content that gets noticed. My Kansas City, Missouri firm can also assist you with your web design, graphic design, photography and print advertising needs.

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